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trees renewable vs sun renewable

parking stall studio
winch up roof, open wall door, drag frame

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We need to stop building so many buildings and start taking care of the ones that we already have

Midrise is a thugGarden thugs: potential nuisance plants
Most gardeners are aware of the problems caused by weeds, but there are garden plants - readily available to buy - that have the potential to become a nuisance. Gardeners may buy these 'thug' plants unaware that, once established and given the right growing conditions, they can run amok.

Urban thugs: potential nuisance typologies
Most architects are aware of the problems caused by large scale development, but there are development typologies - endorsed by the city - that have the potential to become a nuisance. Architects may plan these 'thug' typologies unaware that, once proposed and given the right zoning conditions, they can run amok.